30 Day Money Back Guarantee:
Watchsavings will gladly accept the return or exchange of new, unused, and undamaged merchandise within 30 days from when your order was shipped from our warehouse. Watchsavings does not charge a restocking fee for items that are returned, unless it is a Special Order item. Refunds will be processed in the same manner as the original purchase. We will refund the purchase price of the returned item minus the original shipping cost if the Free Ground Shipping option was selected.

Return Policy Specifications:
Returns or exchanges received by Watchsavings after the 30-day period or without a return authorization number will not be accepted. Watches with links removed, as well as watches without all original packaging and manuals will also not be accepted. All original factory tape, plastic protectors and serialized security stickers, must be intact and never removed. Watchsavings must receive all returns in the same condition as shipped to the customer, accompanied by a copy of your invoice. Watchsavings will not accept any returns that show signs of being used, sized, or worn. You will be contacted prior to shipping if your item is considered a special order. We recommend you ship via insured ground service with a tracking number. Return shipping charges are the responsibility of the customer. We are not responsible for lost or damaged packages.

Watches with a sale price of over $4000, the return of these watches will have restocking fees of 8% and/or final sale policies. All returns not accepted by Watchsavings will be mailed back to the customer, at the customer's expense, using fully insured UPS Ground shipping.

Contact this seller Phone :800-333-9933